Support this local non-profit 
and get something great in return! 
Underwriting Spots are video announcements 
made in exchange for funding SCA-TV2. *
Image result for comcast logo 
Our Comcast Channel 2 reaches 20,000+ homes and businesses on the Western Slope of El Dorado County, from Pollock Pines to El Dorado Hills, and north to Cool.  This is the same number of viewers as any channel on the local Comcast Line-up, an estimated 60,000+ potential viewers. You can reach out to these viewers with a video spot.
View Current the bottom of the page...
with live links to their video ads

30 Second Video Spot:  An Amazing Deal!

SCATV2 offers a unique opportunity for local businesses to support this local non-profit public access television station.  SCATV2 creates and presents 30 second underwriter spots daily.   Each runs 9-12 times per day, depending on the daily schedule.  Six month and year underwriting/donation plans are available.  The following are our 30 second video spot donation plans.

    $ 1000 for one year.        $ 550 for six months.  

        .... or $100 a month with auto-pay

                    *$550 and $1,000 include a one time production charge of $150.  Renewals $850

12 Second BizCard Video Spot

Your video "business card" will appear 3-4 times a day 

for 3 months on Comcast Channel 2 for 3.

for donation of only $100!  So affordable!     (SAVE-- Only $350 with one year agreement!)

For further information or to sign up as an underwriter contact:

Gary Campbell at 916 849-2213

or George Sabato 530 622-8013

Current Underwriters--click on the links to view their videos.
*An underwriting spot is an announcement made on public broadcasting outlets, especially in the United States, in exchange for funding. These spots usually mention the name of the sponsor, and can resemble traditional television advertisements in commercial broadcasting to a limited extent; however, under the terms of a public broadcaster's license from the Federal Communications Commission, such spots are prohibited from making any sort of a "call to action" (a phrase that includes making product claims, announcing prices, or providing an incentive to buy a product or service). In the U.S., these restrictions apply to any television or radio station licensed as a non-commercial educational (NCE) stations, and even for non-sponsoring companies and products.